Reykjavik Parking

With another tourist location comes a large demand for parking, Right? Wrong. Reykjavik was an incredibly easy city to navigate to begin with, on top of this we never had a problem finding parking in the downtown district or anywhere for that matter. During an Icelandic excursion you want to be sure that there is ample parking available at the sites your visiting. Downtown Parking in the inner-city was plentiful as the picturesque landscapes throughout Iceland, and located in easy find locations too! The most effective parking space for seeing sights such as the Reykjavik Sea Port, The Iconic Bankastræti Shopping area, and the various delicious dining options is located on Route 41 ( also know as Reykjanesbraut) on the north shore of the peninsula. This specific parking lot is located just past the Harpa Conference Center, on the left side of the street.

A map of some helpful parking locations can be found here: Reykjavik Parking Locations Map

Additionally,Many of the individual sites in the downtown area have their own parking, including the University of Iceland and various Hotels. Parking should almost never be a concern in Reykjavik, or Iceland as a whole unless there is a major event bringing a lot of people to one specific location.

Fines Avoid parking fines! Many travelers ignore parking meters or disregard signage. Do not park on streets inside the city where parking is clearly prohibited. To avoid a parking fine in Iceland consider the following: While Iceland’s parking fines are relatively low cost, why would you want to ruin your Icelandic excursion with one?

  • Follow all parking instruction
  • Display parking tags and receipts where necessary
  • Understand basic driving rules and regulations of Iceland

Next > Parking (Part 2)